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  • Installation method of weighing module reaction kettle

    Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019-12-28 11:33:45 Hits:376

    Installation method of weighing module reaction kettle

    Vstar company shows to you how to install the weighing module.
    There are two main ways to install the weighing module on the reactor. The first way is to install it directly on the ground, and the second way is to install it in the middle of the tank. The tank itself is suspended above and off the ground.Regardless of which installation method it is, we have the weighing module you need.The tank usually has three or four feet, each with a set of Vstar weighing modules.Vstar weighing module is best used and installed on reaction kettle hopper scale and bucket tank scale. No matter how your tank is stirred during use, it can be reset automatically.

    Weighing module: explosion-proof type, standard type

    Pictures of reaction kettle and weighing module

    Installation method of weighing module reaction kettle

    The whole plant can be designed according to the different needs of users.

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