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  • Quantitative filling machine specification and weight selection

    Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019-11-28 15:54:16 Hits:303

    Commonly used for Vstar liquid filling machine

    Vstar liquid filling machine
    is a relatively well-known product brand, the company has a professional technical team, we pay more attention to the quality of products, and high-quality after-sales service, please feel free to buy.

    Common specifications:

    1、V5-300 for 200KG、200L、180KG、180L、100KG

    2、V5-60 for 60KG、60L、30KG、30L、25KG、25L

    3、V5-30 for 30KG、30L、25KG、25L、20KG、20L

    4、V5-10 for 10KG、10L、5KG、5L、2KG、2L、1KG、1L
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    Customer service 4000863363 Telephone 0512-68052386

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    Mobile 13862020563


    55 Building, 7 Zone, Yangtai Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215122, China