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  • Selection of weighing module(tonnage)

    Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019-08-30 14:14:03 Hits:339

    Selection of weighing module(tonnage)

    small tonnage: 0.5t  1t   2t     5t

    large tonnage:7.5t  10t   15t   20t   25t    50t    75t   100t

    Different reaction kettle hopper scale, tank scale,users should pay attention to details in the selection of weighing module.
    Weight selection: when selecting the weight, users should first pay attention to the weight of the reactor tank and the weight of the material to be weighed.The sum of the two weights should be let us know.We will choose suitable products for users according to different weights provided by users.In this way, Vstar company can serve you better.

    Related products: weighing module, stainless steel weighing module, explosion-proof weighing module

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